African Journal Archive


A retrospective digitization project focusing on exclusively African Journals

Why is there a need for another African Online journal project?

Sabinet Gateway and the Carnegie Corporation believe that

  • there is a significant social and educational need in Africa and throughout the world to preserve journal literature emanating from publishers and societies in Africa;
  • there is a pressing need to make the information in such journals more accessible to teachers, researchers, scholars, students  and professional bodies both in Africa and internationally;
  • the Publisher is in the business of publishing journals, owns certain rights in such journals, and wishes to preserve them and increase accessibility to them through electronic means;
  • Sabinet Gateway is in the business of hosting digitized copies of journals and facilitating electronic access to the contents of these journals.

The African Journal Archive project will digitise and host back issues of journal titles publsihed in Africa starting with the first issue if it can be located. The intention is to avoid duplication of online content, but rather to compliment other archival collections.  International digitisation and metadata standards will be adopted to ensure harvesting, linking and interoperability with other collections.

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